How lightning is formed ? Theoretical fact and rumors

 Lightning is the streak of electricity produced by the collision of clouds especially in the summer days, but not mostly occur in the winter. Followed by lightning thunder is produced which is the sound wave. Everyone knows that we only see lightning first followed by thunder is heard.

Lightning from the clouds reaches the surface of the earth
Sydney lightning :

The rumor in this case:

     Lightning travels with a speed of light (299792458m/s), its not true. 

     Thunder is produced by the collision of clouds continuously.

     Lightning and thunder occur only during rainy days

     Lightning is a light.

     Thunder sound is from clouds.

Components of lightning:

        Lightning is a electricity. Electricity is produced by the flow of positive (protons) and negative (electrons) charges . Light is the radiation which contain photon as a subatomic particle, light is only carried by photons not by any other particles.

        so, from above lightning is the electricity which may be flow of positive or negative charge. In this case we know that lightning is not a light, its a electricity caused by flow of charges.

Facts of lightning:

    Lightning produced have voltage of 20000-50000 volts. It can have a capability to destroy the humans without any traces of them.

Constant numbers:

        Speed of electron = 1/10 times speed of light

        Speed of proton = 1/100 times speed of light

        Speed of light = 3x10^8 m/s

        Charge of electron  = -1.6x10^-19

        Charge of proton = +1.6x10^-19  

        Mass of proton = 1.672x10^-27kg

        Mass of electron = 9.11x10^-31kg

        Speed of sound = 343m/s

When lightning is formed?

        Lightning is mostly produced in the presence of clouds, because collision od clouds lead to emit a flash of light. Air always flows from high pressure to low pressure, i.e. from low temperature to low temperature

                        Pressure inversely proportional to temperature. In cold regions, low temperature which leads to high pressure in that place. In regions with high temperature (eg. in equator), the pressure in that area is very low. So air from cold area flows faster to the high temperature area to compensate the pressure in that area. At this flow rate of air the clouds in that place is flown with a high speed along with the air. The air flow from all direction to compensate it. So, the clouds collide with a high speed which leads to emit lightning and thunder.

        From the above, during summer the temperature of the region is  very high which leads to fast movement of clouds and collision. During winter the temperature of the region is low so high pressure is maintained, no movement of air and clouds are stable.

How lightning is produced?

        We see that lightning is produced in summer and is mostly produced from clouds. How the clouds emit that much electricity ? here comes the important part

The positive charges in the clouds get attracted 
by negative charges in the atmosphere and the
earth surface
Lightning strike overview :

            To emit that much electricity there should be something in the clouds with much amount of proton or electron. Here the clouds are present at the higher altitude where there is low pressure and low gravity. So only a small amount of particles can able to reach the particular height and after that it break up into small particles. Atoms contain 3 subatomic particles which is proton and neutron present inside the nucleus, electron present in the outer shell of the nucleus. These element get broken down and release electron and proton into atmosphere.

        These protons and electrons released are carried easily by air molecules and when that condenses leads to the formation of clouds enclosed with electron and proton inside, likewise more electrons and protons are collected inside the clouds combine with dust particles.

        Inside the clouds the charges started to arrange, as per the masses here protons have the higher mass than electrons so it is settled at the bottom of the clouds and electrons have small masses and it is settled at the top of clouds. Here electrons are present at top no it moves  upwards and it causes lightning on top.

        In the lower portion the protons are present that attract the nearby electrons or negatively charged particles and gets neutralised. This causes minimum or short streak on the surrounding until all the charges gets neutralised. 

        When the clouds move with a high speed and collide with each-other transfer of charges takes place between clouds, when a large number of clouds come into collision with the clouds large amount of charges are occupied in the cloud, the extra charges transferred are leaked or discharge into the surrounding, so the extra positive charge are leaked from bottom of the clouds and searching for the electron source to get neutralise. So the surrounding air contain electrons which them combines to become neutron.

                              1H^1 +  −1 e ----> neutron+ energy

        In case of , no electron source for an proton it keeps on moving in a group until it finds the source. It keeps on neutalising the electrons in the path they travel and emit enoromous amount of electricity by converting into neutron. If in their path all the electrons get neutralised they come down for the electron source from the structures, vegetation, humans and organisms on earth including the earth surface. They come from the atmosphere so they search for the nearest electron source which are the tall trees and tall buildings. The electrons inside them attract the protons coming from the atmosphere, and start neutralising and emiting large amount of energy which we see is lightning. 

         The lightning caused is due to flow or search of proton for an electron source to get neutralise. They always search for the near electron source like clouds, atmosphere particles, planes, birds i.e. structures in the sky are first affected by lightning than the ground. after neutralising all this sources, if a large amount of proton are waiting for neutralising they came down by attraction of electrons from the surface of earth. This is rarely came but very powerful.

How can we capture lightning for future use?

        The protons in the clouds always search for an electron source, so we should provide a large amount of electron source in the bare ground and make the emitted proton get attracted to it and combine with electron electricity is produced we can save them and collect them for a required level for future use.

How to escape from lightning?

  • Don't stand in the bare ground, in that you are only the  main electron source for the proton to attract, so it definitely came to you in the bare ground .
  •  Don't stand under a tree, they are tall so they attract the protons but they also have capability to emit it surrounding so may also discharge near you.
  •  Stand inside any closed structures like building, auto, car etc... which are attached to the surface of earth, the protons travel through them and get neutralised in the surface.
  •  Don't stand on top of any tall structures while lightning strike firstly at the tall structure.


        Here we came to the conclusion that lightning is not a light it is composed of electric charges which discharge into surrounding by clouds at higher altitude. This said that the lighting is by flow of protons not by flow of electrons, as a result of neutralising large amount of energy is released which is lightning. There may also be possible of upward lightning (due to presence of electrons on top of clouds) and downward lightning (due to presence of proton on bottom of clouds).
